Revd Mike Milmine 07541 930605
This week:
Tuesday 17th September at 10.15am Bumps & Babies in the Church Hall.
Wednesday 18th September at 10am Holy Communion and Bible Study in the Church.
Thursday 19th September at 10.15am Little Fishes in the Church Hall.
Sunday 22nd September at 9.15am Morning Praise, Followed by the Evening Service in the Church Hall at 6.30pm.
Next Week:
Tuesday 24th September at 10.15am Bumps & Babies in the Church Hall.
Wednesday 25th September at 10am Holy Communion and Bible Study in the Church Hall.
Thursday 26th September at 10.15am Little Fishes in the Church Hall.
Sunday 29th September at 9.15am Morning Praise in the Church, Followed by the Evening Service in the Church Hall at 6.30pm.